New Eyewear Display Systems

News & Blog


OptoMarketing is the new format devised by Ottica Italiana which, in the three streaming episodes on 17th, 24th and 31st May, will cover the three key moments in the relationship with the customer: before, during and after the sale.

The event will be hosted by Alessandra Salimbene, optician marketing expert, trainer, public speaker and pioneer of digital communication, and Stefano Bertani, Federottica secretary general with long experience in the field of operational marketing, organisation and technological innovation, with the participation of Massimiliano Lanzafame and Valentino Maiorano, journalists from the editorial staff of Ottica Italiana.

The appointments will be held on Ottica Italia TV, from 20.30h to 23.30h. (insert website link?

The first evening will be dedicated to before the sale, the delicate moment in the customer journey when the customer analyses and evaluates alternatives before making a purchase.

The theme of the second event is during the sale. The focus is on communication and the professional-customer relationship, therefore on the customer loyalty path, and communication at the point of sale.

The last streaming appointment on 31 May will focus on the post-sale moment, thus concluding the phases of the purchasing process.


This episode will be dedicated to how to create and manage your social presence, how to nurture customer loyalty, how to create content of real value, which attracts attention, is memorable and provides the ability to recognise the quality of the service and product for visual well-being.

Contributo MIDO Eyewear Show - Programma Regionale FESR Lazio 2021-2027 per Tecnitalia Srl

La società Tecnitalia S.r.l. (P.I. 01720210598) ha beneficiato del contributo della Regione Lazio per la partecipazione alla Fiera MIDO, Milano Eyewear Show svoltasi dal 3 al 5 Febbraio 2024.
Si tratta della manifestazione leader del settore eyewear, un evento d’eccezione che da oltre 50 anni è il cuore degli affari e delle tendenze nel mondo dell’occhialeria.
La partecipazione alla fiera ha permesso a Tecnitalia S.r.l. di esporre i propri prodotti, i propri progetti, confrontarsi con altri player del settore, rafforzando così la brand identity.
La spesa è stata sostenuta grazie al contributo della Regione Lazio a valere sul FESR 2021- 2027, identificato dal prot. N. A0655-2023-080300, oggetto della domanda inviata il 29/11/2023 sull’Avviso “Voucher Internazionalizzazione PMI” e concesso con la Det. n. G05866 del 20 maggio 2024 – CODICE PROGETTO A0655B0233. IMPORTO FINANZIATO € 15.240 €

Contact Info

Factory and showroom
Strada Sandolara, 201
04100 Latina (LT) Italy.